Mental Health First Aid Here We Come.


As of 2025, our first volunteer group will attend their first Mental Health First Aid Training in the new year of 2025! This is a BIG thank you to Bendigo Bank, namely, the Community Bank York and Disctricts for their part grant of $3000 that gave us the extra we needed to send one of our volunteers, Cain Wilson, to become a Mental health First Aid Trainer through Mental Health First Aid Australia.

This opportunity gave Cain the advantage of training that will advance his family, HSWY Inc's volunteers and services, as well as the general community in town. 

We are following our goals of creating a safe place for mental health in our town of York.  Up until now, we do not have any Mental Health services permanently in our town. We hope to change this and this is the first step.  Our next goal we are heading towards is to will have mental health support services available to those in York and surrounds by the end of 2025.  This means we will not have to travel to Northam or Midland for these services when needing face to face appointments.